motivationAre you moving from fear? There is a right and wrong motivation to make and hit goals. Let’s start at the beginning, with the end in mind. Are your goals your own? That point is something that a lot of people do not take into consideration and that is what do they actually want to reach. Do you want a certain career? A Certain income goal? A certain way of life? Are you reaching for it in order to please someone else? I sure hope not, but a lot of people are reaching for goals that they do not want or desire.

Its important to take a good, hard look at goals and question why you are doing it. Look at that goal examine it, and decide if you are doing it to please someone. Take this thought int consideration: many people will not die for you, so why will you allow them to live a life you? So many of us do it, but the power is in realizing why we do it, once we do, then it has less power over us.

If your motivation is that of fear, that is just what you are going to get the rest of your life. Your reasoning will be what you get, just think about that. If you’re reason is happiness, you will encounter some initial unhappiness, but in keeping your direction true, you will receive that happiness. That is not to say that you can decide and it will be, though some people believe that. Positive energy is great, but there still needs to be a created plan in place.

However, without the right motivation, all plans are futile. Before acting or creating a plan, examine your motivation, and be honest with it. The goal is to not live someone else’s life but your own; remember they most likely wouldn’t die, do not allow them to live for you either.

