[ File # csp3946329, License # 1709554 ] Licensed through http://www.canstockphoto.com in accordance with the End User License Agreement (http://www.canstockphoto.com/legal.php) (c) Can Stock Photo Inc. / tiero

[ File # csp3946329, License # 1709554 ]
Licensed through http://www.canstockphoto.com in accordance with the End User License Agreement (http://www.canstockphoto.com/legal.php)
(c) Can Stock Photo Inc. / tiero

Barriers: Have  you created whats holding you back? There’s things that are stopping  you and you have most likely created them. Scary thought isn’t to? Successful people do what others will not, and if you are not successful, be it in business, life or fitness, its because you will not do what needs to be done. You’ve created some excuse for yourself: I don’t have time, its my birthday, I’m tired, I don’t have money, I’m too weak, too old, too much experience, too little experience. I may have not hit on your favorite, but we all have them. You may not have time, but be a Netflix-aholic; looks like you have time if you could cut out the brain drain TV shows for a while.

People regularly complain that business and fitness are too hard. Fitness is too hard? I have chronic fatigue syndrome and I’m in the best shape of my life. I just supplement properly to handle it. Internet marketing is too hard. Well, youtube is asset, I did not know anything when I started, but I’ll study harder than all of you and beat you. The reason? For most people the competition is not others, but rather its the competition of self. We create all these artificial reasons why we cannot do something, many of which turn out to be pride. Get over yourself.

You have to want success so bad that to lose it is to stop breathing. Don’t want it that bad? Then, be happy with average. I’m not here to beat you down, I’m just here to make a point. This transformation Tuesday take steps to being in competition with yourself. You have most likely created the barriers that keep you from success, and that’s ok. Tear them down. Awareness of them gives you power over them, not go out and do something about it!

