July brought some really BIG thinkers into Create Your Own Life, and also saw the podcast on the move to Las Vegas. Including a 10-day period in which I was lucky enough to run into Gary Vaynerchuk and Grant Cardone. Check out our highest downloaded episodes of the month, and leave us an iTunes review about what you loved most!

1. Greg Walker
Greg Walker made a fortune in franchises, because he would outwork — evening going so far to sleep in his restaurants for the first 3 years. Now, under the name the Big Dreamer, he inspires millions with keynotes.


2. Mark Divine
Mark Divine, founder of Seal Fit, creates optimum athletic and metal performers through his Navy SEAL background.

3. Kevin Harrington
Kevin was the very first “Shark” on Shark Tank, and is the creator of the infomercial and mover of millions of dollars of as seen on tv products.

4. Hal Elrod
Hal Elrod had a very extreme experience, not once but twice, the first time almost killed by a drunk driver, the second when the economy crashed. Hal went on to revolutionize the morning routine with his book The Miracle Morning.

5. Keith Yackey
Keith went from construction worker to successful real estate investor, to online marketer. He is now creating a massive Live Event series called Amplify Live, focused on amplifying the messages of entrepreneurs.
