Top 40 Millennial Influencers to Follow in 2018

by | Nov 17, 2017 | Posts | 0 comments

Check out New Theory’s top Millennial influencers for 2018

So why 40? For one, everyone is doing the same thing and 40 is just so different. There are so many awesome millennials that need to be a part of this conversation. They are not only changing the way we think about work and live our lives, these millennials are the first to really have a full-life experience with the social space.

Having grown up in a totally different world than the generation before, social media and influence has become a way of life. The following are the one’s that need to be on your radar for 2018.



Virginia Salas Kastilio – Number one Snapchat influencer in the world, need I say more? She’s inspired through her video content, and built a powerful personal brand she’snow using to help others. Virginia is rapidly growing her digital firm Gini TV which “Empowers brands to become influencers.”


Rob Fajardo – When You think of “Millennial” and “Influencer,” Rob’s name is the first to come to mind. Along with his brother Eric, he founded Leave Normal Behind, and is the host of the weekly LNB Tv series. He’s also one of the viral marketing partners behind fidget spinners.



Jeremy Adams – Having built two million dollar business and working hard at a third, all before the age of 30. Jeremy Adams has also worked with Influencers such as Kevin Harrington. His latest business, Unicorn Innovations, launched to multiple 6-figures in under 30 days after launch.


Josh Fechter – This Co-Founder of Bad Ass Marketers and Founders, has become the driving force for those long form copy LinkedIn statuses that you see popping up all over the place. He also runs one of the largest groups dedicated to founders on Facebook.


Gretta Rose Van Riel – Dubbed “The Queen of Instagram,” Gretta has over 16 Million Followers and counting. She scaled her first company, SkinnyMe Tea, to over $600k in its first 6 months in business. Her company, 5th Avenue Watches, also had a sales day or over $1 million dollars on December 5, 2015.


Eric Allred – He engineered over 300% growth to 1 million in 2013, 2 million in 2014 for  Gophermods. Eric’s currently is a partner in Unicorn Innovations which did $250K in its first week. He also is launching a hedge fund that will invest in blockchain technology.


Mark Lack – The go-to name in personal branding, Mark Lack is quickly on his way to becoming a household name. Mark has a personal branding strategy that makes you feel like he’s everywhere, and needless to say, it’s highly effective.



Brian D. Evans – Co-Founder of Influencive, featured in INC 500 and quickly making a name for himself in the blockchain world. Brian is an entrepreneur making his mark, and a name planning even bigger things in 2018.


Matt Aitchison – When it comes to flipping homes, Matt went from troubled teen to real estate millionaire. Now, he’s sharing the wealth and helping others become real estate millionaires, through his video content and his podcast, Millionaire Mindcast.


Jules Schroeder – When it comes to living life unconventionally, Jules is the only name to come to mind. She travels the world speaking and coaching, in addition to hosting her podcast “The Unconventional Life,” featured on Forbes Under 30 channel.


Nathan Latka – The former CEO of Heyo, created an 8-figure business by 24. He hosts the iTunes top-ranked podcast, The Top Entrepreneurs. After his podcast success, Nathan created the investor asset, compiled from all his podcast interviews.


Gallant Dill –  At 21, he created a supplement line which grew to well over 1 million followers on social media, and quickly got his product into retail stores, leading to his company InStore Connection. Now Gallant empowers other entrepreneurs through his coaching and mentoring programs.


Clinton Senkow – The driving force behind Influencive and millennial thought leader, Clinton has helped to build a tight tribe of unique individuals. He’s helping to raise the bar on what is expected from the millennial generation, twice representing Canada at the G20 Summit.


Rafferty Pendery – Fulfilling his mission to “take over the world,” Rafferty runs several successful digital marketing and technology businesses. In addition, he travels the world helping others to create freedom in their lives and businesses.


Mara Glazer – Sales don’t have to suck. An expert copywriter and marketer, Mara Glazer made $1 Million on Facebook before Facebook Ads existed. Now she’s helping others to more effectively market and sell their products.


Brandon Adams – Having worked with influencers like John Lee Dumas, Lewis Howes and Greg Rollett, Brandon has quickly made his name as a millennial influencer. Brandon has become a must know in the crowdfunding space as well as releasing a tv show entitled “Ambitious Adventures.”


Austin Iuliano – This influencer can be seen as a unicorn, a dragon or whatever costume he can find. When it comes to personal branding and storytelling, silliness aside, he’s all business.


Cherie Aimee – While an honorary millennial, due to her being a force in social media, Cherie has one of the most incredible stories in which she died for 90 minutes. Now, she helps others through the story of her near death experience, even being featured on Dr. Oz.


Tayo Rockson – The CEO of UYD Management, the best dressed man in any room he’s in, Tayo Rockson is a man on a mission. He is an authority on cross-cultural competencies, working successfully internationally and brand strategy.


Natalie Ellis – Supporting female founders and leaders, Natalie is the Boss Babe. The CEO of, she supports and features the stories of the top women in the world.


Arne Giske –Want to grow a Facebook group for your business? With a group of 35,000+ and over 5,000 people he’s taught to grow groups, Arne is the guy when it comes to growing & monetizing Facebook groups. He also lives the digital nomad lifestyle and has been to over 10 countries and a dozen states in 2017. When he’s not growing communities and traveling, he can be found chowing down on the best food the world has to offer like a 4 foot wide pizza in Texas or a tapas dinner in Barcelona!”


Jay Wong – Leading the world in creating change, Jay is the host of the wildly successful Inner Changemaker podcast. He is also leading the way is helping businesses to discover the future in audio.


Heather DeSantis – In this “Influencer Revolution,” Heather seems to be the name on everyone’s mind. Emerging as one of the top names in PR, Heather is making her mark on the world quickly and in a big way.


Maxwell Finn – With testimonials from the likes of Kevin Harrington and Pat Flynn, Max is the go to for paid traffic and course creation. Max is also the driving force behind the lifestyle and clothing brand Startup Drugz. Max is a co-founder of the fast growing digital media company, Unicorn Innovations.


Bri Seeley – Bri Seeley is on a mission to give you permission to leap. The former fashion designer turned coach, speaker and author. Is helping others to realize their dreams and build the life they can only imagine; one that inspires you.


Ulyses Osuna – With a goal to become the “best known publicist in the world,” Ulyses is quickly on his way. Through his company Influencer Press, he has gotten clients featured in big name publications and has bigger goals for 2018.



Logan Young – Logan is the co-founder and vice president of strategy at BlitzMetrics where he runs the company’s training programs while implementing ad campaigns and optimizing marketing funnels for key accounts. He is an internationally recognized keynote speaker, having traveled and lectured in 15 countries.


Daniel Wallock – Daniel Wallock likes squirrels, sushi, and marketing. He’s done marketing and startup projects with with over 50 brands including BMW i Ventures, The American Heart Association, and UC Santa Barbara. Daniel was ranked in Forbes as a Top Marketer to Watch in 2017.

Nicholas Bayerle – Founder of the Billion Dollar Body, Nicholas is helping men to become not only fitter, but the best versions of themselves. He’s creating not only better men, but has a big vision for preserving the family as well, through men being better fathers and husbands.


Gregg Clunis – Gregg is the host of the Tiny Leaps, Big Changes podcast and the creator of the Tiny Leaps Movement where he encourages people to make significant changes in their life by auditing their day to day behaviors; It’s regularly ranked as an iTunes top-ten podcast.


Jared Kleinert – The ultimate creator of community, Jared is the author of the best-selling books Two Billion Under 20 and Three Billion Under 30. He’s also been named the “most connected Millennial” by USA Today.


Meir Kay – The voice for positivity in the world, Meir Kay is a man on mission to inspire and create a better tomorrow. With videos that have 9-figures in views and over a million followers on Facebook alone, he is a man to keep an eye on in 2018.


Chelann Gienger – This Entrepreneur Before 25, started NUYU Juice Bar, which quickly saw success, leading to her starting her podcast, Entrepreneur before 25. A published author, Chelann recently published her best-selling book, “Dear Millennial.”


Cheyn Crangle – After a career in the Marine Corps, Cheyn quickly became a leader in Now, along with partner Luke Marlowe, he’s quickly building media company Margle Media, which is working with some of the largest influencers in the online space.


Justin Lafazan – Co-Founder of Next Gen Summit, Justin has helped to create one of the fastest growing communities for millennial entrepreneurs. The Next Gen Summit has been featured in Forbes, numerous other publications and has forged partnerships with companies like Hostgator and Wal Mart.


Vito Glazers – Vito is a real estate investor, media entrepreneur, contributing author and actor most known for WE TV’s Mystery Millionaire and the Mancow Show. He is regularly featured in print and television media and helps entrepreneurs to do the same.


Richard Lorenzen – As a serial entrepreneur and investor, Richard has built and sold multiple online media properties. Today he is the founder and CEO of Fifth Avenue Brands, a public relations and digital media firm headquartered in New York. He is also a member of the Young Entrepreneur Council, an invite-only organization for the top entrepreneurs in America.


Logan Cohen – Featured in Forbes Under 30, Logan is the co-founder Kudzoo, along with Trevor Wilkins. The App rewards students for good grades, has been downloaded by over 375,000 students and has raised over $1.3 million in funding since its launch in 2015.


Iman Oubou. – Aside from being the founder and Editor-In-Chief of SWAAY Media, Iman is also Miss New York US, a philanthropist, a champion of Women Entrepreneurs, a Scientist and a Fashionista. She is the host of the popular podcast Entrepreneurs En Vogue, powered by SWAAY.


Zach Benson – A former competitor on “So You Think You Can Dance,” Zach can dance. He travels the world teaching others to dance in a style all his own. He’s also the founder of the fast growing social media management company,


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Jeremy Ryan Slate

CEO, Co-Founder, Command Your Brand Media

Jeremy Ryan Slate is the founder of the Create Your Own Life Podcast, to create life on their own terms. He studied literature at Oxford University, and is a former champion powerlifter turned new media entrepreneur. Specializes in using podcasting and new media to create celebrity and was ranked #1 in iTunes New and Noteworthy and #26 in the business category.

Jeremy was named one of the top 26 podcast for entrepreneurs to listen to in 2017 by CIO Magazine and Millennial Influencer to follow in 2018 by Buzzfeed. The Create Your Own Life Podcast has been downloaded almost a quarter of a million times. He’s also a featured writer for Influencive and After his success in podcasting, Jeremy Slate and his wife, Brielle Slate, found Command Your Brand to help entrepreneurs get their message out by appearing as guests on podcasts.

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