About This Episode: In this thought-provoking episode, Jeremy Slate interviews Dr. Olga Ravasi, a foreign policy expert, on the current state of the American empire. They discuss the parallels between the decline of the Roman Empire and the challenges facing the...
About This Episode: Andrew Heaton is a comedian, author, and political satirist. He’s the host of “The Political Orphanage” comedy and news podcast, and sci-fi deep dive podcast “Alienating the Audience”. He’s a frequent Reason TV contributor and hosted the popular...
About This Episode: Jeff Stein was the Spytalk columnist for years at Newsweek; previously he was at The Washington Post and before that, Congressional Quarterly (where he was also the founding editor of the groundbreaking CQ/Homeland Security). In the 1980s he was...
About This Episode: Retired United States Army Staff Sergeant Travis Mills of the 82nd Airborne is a recalibrated warrior, motivational speaker, actor, author and an advocate for veterans and amputees. Travis’s New York Times bestselling memoir, Tough as They Come, is...