About This Episode: Errol Doebler is the creator of The Process, Art, and Science of Leadership. Through Leader 193, his leadership consulting firm, he teaches his methodology to business leaders around the world. Errol developed this methodology through his...
About This Episode: Dr. Gordon is Medical Director of Millennium Health Centers, Inc. — Medicine for the 21st century, in Encino CA. In 2010 he became the Medical Director of Education for Access Medical Laboratories of Jupiter, FL, helping to promote the newest...
About This Episode: John Spagnola is an experienced Chief Executive Officer with a demonstrated history of working in Federal Government Relations. Strong business professional, skilled in Business Planning, Coaching, Federal Government, Lobbying, Federal Legislation,...
➡️ Enjoy the REST of 30 Days to Extraordinary ⬅️ https://jeremyryanslate.com/extraordnary30 About This Episode: Major General, U.S. Marine Corps, Retired Founder/CEO, Mission Critical Leadership Solutions Gregg served in the Marine Corps for nearly 37 years, with his...