About This Episode: Dennis Galloway has been writing intriguing and exciting stories since the age of 8 years old. Growing up with an active, vivid imagination, and having lived and traveled around the world, experiencing many cultures, he has honed his experiences to...
About This Episode: Jim Kouzes is the co-author with Barry Posner of the award-winning and best-selling book, The Leadership Challenge, now in its sixth edition, with over 2.5 million copies sold. He also currently serves as a Fellow with the Doerr Institute for New...
About This Episode: Working in corporate America in sales and marketing executive capacities for decades, Tony D’Urso writes about some of his sales feats in his books. His first book on Sales & Marketing: “The Black Book of Sales Secrets”...
About This Episode: Don Miller is the CEO of Business Made Simple, an online platform that teaches business professionals everything they need to know to grow a business. He is the host of the Business Made Simple Podcast and is the author of several books including...