About This Episode: Seth Dillon is the CEO and owner, since 2018, of Babylon Bee, the self-proclaimed world’s most trusted, factually accurate news source. Additionally, he is also the co-founder of the ‘Not the Bee’. This site was launched on September 1, 2020, by...
About This Episode: Millie Weaver is an independent journalist and documentarian. Millie has documented the intersection of intelligence, media and social media. After producing the Shadowgate film series, exposing the connection of public companies, the intel...
About This Episode: Kyle Becker is an Independent Journalist & former Associate Producer/Writer at Fox News. Kyle currently publishes The Wildfire Newsletter and is editor-in-chief of Becker News. He is the former producer for Fox News’ #1 cable primetime...
About This Episode: James O’Keefe is an award-winning journalist and writer. He is the founder and President of both Project Veritas and Project Veritas Action, non-profit organizations dedicated to investigating corruption, dishonesty, waste and fraud in both public...
About This Episode: An American-born author, mathematician, and professional troublemaker, Dr. James Lindsay has written six books spanning a range of subjects including religion, the philosophy of science and postmodern theory. He is a leading expert on Critical Race...