The-Voice-of-Your-Dreams-CoverSelf-help is a rather broad category which as of recently, has become more and more crowded. I’m always hesitant and skeptical when a new book of this variety crosses my desk, but the latest read was something that really made me reconsider that. There’s an awful lot of fluff out there, but not a lot of action.

The Voice of Your Dreams was an easy read, I set my sights on the audio, read by Aaron Anastasi himself, I feel like it always give a greater insight into the mind of the author and really to experience the book. Aaron has described himself as a recovering pessimist, which for me was real hook, as I often find myself thinking the same thing. People see me as such a positive and outgoing person, which took some time to achieve and really made this book a bit of a reality point for myself.

Aaron has a was of describing the world that I often feel is like looking in the mirror, he talks about like in such a way that it felt real and in my world.

I love Aaron’s idea of the “New Dreamer,” being that we are in a new era of entrepreneurism, where it is more readily available we really can take more action and be successful with it. Fear is one of the major barriers that holds us back and the limiting beliefs that we have, often that voice telling us that we cannot do it. Successfully turning down the volume is the way to really get some place, because that voice is often the one that speaks loudest; blocking out the voice of our dreams.

Who do you have to be to get what you want? The Voice of Your Dreams will help you nail that down, being is a state that is changing and Aaron Anastasi helps you find that.


