About This Episode:
Gregg Clunis is the host of the Tiny Leaps, Big Changes podcast. Gregg took an interest in personal development to the next level. Many times, we just become consumers of content and Gregg is on a mission to see that we actually implement, a little bit every day; when changes are too big we won’t actually stick with them.

The show was been wildly successful, garnering almost a quarter of a million downloads in its first few months, and an incredible community has began to rise up around it. Gregg learned from previous podcasts on how to do a show the right way, and has put it into action. Check out his strategies for success in this episode.

In this Episode:

    • The problem with only consuming personal development.
    • The pseudo entrepreneur culture
    • Why smaller actions are easier to implement.
    • What to do after you crush your goals.
    • Why sometimes, messy is better than done.
    • Learning from past mistakes.
    • Having a big plan for your personal brand.
    • Understanding your pursuit of balance.

Gregg’s Favorite Quote:
“All big leaps come from the tiny leaps we take every day.”

Links From Today’s Show:
Create Your Own Life
Jeremy Ryan Slate | Survey
Gregg’s Website
Awaken the Giant Within – Tony Robbins

iBoom Media

Listener Reviews:
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