About This Episode:
Ryan Stack was a musician that wanted more, but it too a journey to get him here. He is an internet entrepreneur that figured out the steps to make his goals happen and right now is really crushing it. We follow him a long his early years, through finding a mentor, to eventually becoming a mentor for others.

He has been pumping out value bombs at a mind melding pace on Periscope. In this episode he tells you how to work your goals backwards to make life happen and not wait for life to happen to you.

In This Episode:

    • How to go from musician to entrepreneur.
    • What is residual income?
    • The adjustment to being an entrepreneur.
    • Putting deadlines on goals to get them done.
    • Figuring out how to replace income.
    • Training your way into business.
    • The action plan behind goals.
    • The importance of having a supportive spouse.
    • The importance of having a mentor.
    • How to brand with Periscope.
    • Removing distractions to hit your goals.

Ryan’s Favorite Quote:
“You’ll be left feeling empty if you hit the finish line alone, when you run a race as a team, you discover msot of the reward comes from hitting the tape together.” — Howard Schulz

Links From Today’s Show:
The Stack Group
Create Your Own Life
Jeremy Ryan Slate | Survey
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind – T. Harv Ecker

iBoom Media

Listener Reviews:
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