About This Episode:
Zach Obront is an entrepreneur and co-founder of Book in a Box. Zach stopped by the Create Your Own Life podcast to talk about history, business and of course Book in a Box. Zach has build numerous businesses over the years and imparted some of what he learned in a wide range of businesses, that even included an online high school.

He founded Book in a Box in August 2014, along with New York Times best-selling author, Tucker Max. The company looks to revolutionize the publishing industry and make book writing more attainable for anyone with a story to tell. They put a lot of focus on the writing process, in order to create a real, quality production, that everyone can be proud of; its an intriguing concept. The company has very quickly grown since its inception, and looks to change the way writing is done across the broad category of publishing.

Zach’s Favorite Quotes:
“Nah, Frank Sinatra doesn’t Carry Pianos.” – Frank Sinatra
“To be happier with the changing of the seasons is a better state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring.”

Links from Today’s Show:
Zach’s Website
Book In A Box

Dan Carlin | Current Hardcore History Series
Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman! – Richard Feynman



Listener Reviews:
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