About This Episode:
Mimi Nicklin is an author and the host of the ‘Empathy for Breakfast’ breakfast show as well as the ‘Secrets of The Gap’ podcast. She is an experienced marketer and communications specialist, a well-known empathetic leader, and the Creative Officer and Regional Managing Director for a global advertising agency.

For over fifteen years she has been working across the globe with her clients to drive stand out creative interventions that lead to business and culture change. Driven by the pursuit of bringing conscientiousness to the role and impact of Regenerative Leadership, with a desire to make the world of work a more empathetic, valuable and sustainably healthy place to be, Softening The Edge is Mimi’s debut book.

Find out more about Mimi at:
Mimi’s Website
Softening the Edge: Empathy: How Humanity’s Oldest Leadership Trait is Changing Our World

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