About This Episode:
With a voracious curiosity, fueled in part by an IQ in the top .03% of the planet, this rough and tumble Texan was riding horses solo by the time he was 5, calling the cattle home with his grandfather. In his early twenties, finally a full-grown cowboy, he switched to riding bulls.

Lee has shared the screen and stage with Oscar/Golden Globe winners and Hollywood legends alike, while living and working in Hollywood. During that season he also taught at a top acting school and developed “The 7 Steps to Getting on Set”, to help actors understand the business of Hollywood and their own tools to succeed.

After remodeling and flipping houses, and penning his first successful novel, Lee ventured into two fields of no previous knowledge, GPS and franchise car dealers.

He quickly rose to national director at one GPS company, then VP/Partner at a new one he helped launch, before also taking on the title of COO/Advisor to the Board and Shareholder of yet another, all while starting more companies in other industries as far afield as social media and on-line selling.

Inspired by the success he was experiencing in business, spirit and family life alike, (and as he will tell you, “All the damn fun I’m having!”), as well as his passion for helping others, Lee began delivering seminars on the Game of Life and How to Win It.

Find out more about Lee at:
Lee’s Website
How to Talk to Someone…And Not Die

Check out our YouTube Channel:

Make Extraordinary A Reality:

See the Show Notes:

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