About This Episode:
The Mission of Excellence by Monica Guzman is to provide coaching services which empower professionals of all backgrounds and skill level. Based on the principles of the “Wheel of Excellence” model, this approach provides a blueprint for professionals to excel in their current role or secure a position which maximizes full potential. With a focus on presentation, attitude, behavior, and affiliation.

Monica is an executive coach; she helps others to really achieve the goals that they would not achieve without push. She is the creator of the Wheel of Excellence, a unique way of helping people achieve their goals and business expansion. Look for her upcoming eBook, “Good is not Good Enough”.

The Five Mistakes Women Make in Business:

    • Talking too Much
    • Dressing Correctly
    • Qualifications
    • Not Separating Emotions from Business
    • Apologizing /Asking Permission

Monica’s Favorite Quote:
“Good is not good enough.” – Monica Guzman

Links from Today’s Show:
5 Mistakes Women Make in Business | Monica’s Blog
Excellence | Monica’s Website
Wheel of Excellence
No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline – Brian Tracy



Listener Reviews:
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