About This Episode:
While still in his mid-twenties, Nathan Chan felt there were no business magazines that he could relate to.

He wanted to read something that delved deep into the world of a successful entrepreneur, showing their processes, failures, obstacles and challenges. And one that ultimately taught others straight from the mouths of the best in the world.

Wanting to personally discover the answers to all his questions about the daily struggles of starting a successful business, Nathan began to go out and interview world-changing entrepreneurs in the hope that he could learn from them. This was the point of no return. And so while still working a full time job, Nathan created Foundr.

Since its inception, Foundr has quickly become a top ranked 10 ‘Business & Investing’ Magazine in the AppStore and is currently supporting hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs across multiple platforms and resources.

Samuel (Mr Preneur) Anderson
Social Media Expert

In this episode:

    • Why a digital magazine is a successful action.
    • How Richard Branson was Foundr’s big break.
    • How to connect with people of influence.
    • Why the phone is your biggest weapon.
    • Strategies for quickly growing on Instagram.
    • Does Snapchat matter?
    • The big social network for the next 3 years.
    • The value in building a list.
    • When to leave your day job.

Nathan’s Favorite Quote:
“You’re the average of the five people you surround yourself with.” — Jim Rohn
“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” — Tony Robbins

Links From Today’s Show:
Email Hunter
Foundr | The Ultimate Guide to Landing Interviews with Influencers
Foundr | Free Training

iBoom Media

Listener Reviews:
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