About This Episode:
Dr. Darrell Misak, ND, RPh is a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, Licensed Pharmacist, and a father of five healthy children. After receiving his degree in Pharmacy, he gained years of university hospital clinical pharmacy experience at Duke University Medical Center with a primary focus in Oncology and General Medicine.

As Dr. Misak began to realize the pitfalls of traditional medicine and pharmacy, he started his continued search for truth in health which directed him to naturopathic medicine. He then moved his family across the country to Oregon, where he received his Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine degree from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2000, while learning compounding pharmacy at Lloyd Center Pharmacy during medical school.

Dr. Misak now runs a private naturopathic practice in Pittsburgh, does regular YouTube shows teaching quantum bio-electric health concepts, has been published multiple times in Naturopathic Doctor News and Review (NDNR), and does regular radio or talks teaching an analytical natural approach to health. His pharmacy and naturopathic background with understanding quantum bio-electric concepts lead to the creation of Vi-Telometry .

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