About This Episode:
David Ralph is an extremely attractive host of the top-ranked online show Join Up Dots, where in each episode he takes his guests on a journey of discovery following the words of the late Steve Jobs.

From birth to today and back again David Ralph, joins up the dots of his guests lives, highlighting their failures and successes (with more than a few laughs in between) as he leads them to the time travel section “The Sermon On The Mic” where they have the chance to speak to their younger selves and share the advice they have gained.

This is a hugely powerful and inspirational show that has gained a massive audience in over 160 countries, and with its fun and quirky style is one that is fresh, unique and inspiring. David is an ex-corporate trainer, with a wife, five kids, a grandson, a cat, and a snail (that might actually be dead already…who can tell?)

Find out more about David at:
Podcasters Mastery

Join Up Dots

See the Show Notes:

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Listener Reviews:
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