About This Episode:
Going from Carpenter to full-time Real Estate Investor 12 years ago, Keith has built a couple of 7 and 8 figure businesses. Looking back he has realized that building key relationships was the factor in his success. He has broken down step by step how he did and how you can build real relationships that pay as well.
Keith firmly believes that you are one relationship away from the life of your dreams. He also believes you should be intentional, strategic and want something from every relationship. If and only if you bring equal or greater value to that relationship.
Keith thinks very differently than others on how to build relationships that pay and has a proven formula that hasn’t just worked for him, but for so many others as well. To learn more simply go to Relationships That Pay.
Find out more about Keith at:
Relationships That Pay
Keith’s Episode 124
Keith’s Episode 241
See the Show Notes:
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Listener Reviews:
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