About This Episode:
Jason Bond and Jeff Bishop are the co-founders of RagingBull.com, which grew to a $50+ Million Dollar Company in less than 7 years. They recently rang the bell at the NY Stock exchange.

Jason Bond
Was high school teacher that taught for a decade, $250,000 in debt, but continuing for his 2nd Masters degree to become a principal. He then jumped ship from his safe and comfortable career to start trading stocks. Got very good at the volatile area of Penny Stocks and started Jason Bond Picks making seven figures a year. He then co-founded Raging Bull and over the last seven years created a 50 million dollar company. 

Jeff Bishop
The founder of several popular financial education and trading websites including RagingBull.com, the fastest growing stock market education site. Jeff is a multi-millionaire trader and economist with nearly 20 years of experience under his belt. He failed building 4 businesses — even tried his hand as an online poker player, but learned each step of the way to becoming a multi-millionaire before the age of 35. Now he dabbles in virtually every aspect of the market, but has a special gift and passion for trading options and has become the #1 live-streaming stock options trainer in America.  

Find out more about Raging Bull at:
Jason’s Website

Raging Bull
Weekly Money Multiplier

See the Show Notes:

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