About This Episode:
Taylor is an entrepreneur and author of The End of Jobs. INC rated The End of Jobs as one of the Top Three ‘Start Your Own Business’ Books of 2015 and a Top 25 Business Book of 2015. WSJ Bestselling Author and entrepreneur James Altucher said of it: “Entrepreneurship is not a choice you can make at your leisure. You have to jump on the train or lose your chance. Now is the time and Taylor’s book describes exactly how to do it.”

Taylor believes that the economy is changing rapidly, but when the future looks back on the 20th century, it will be an anomaly. Entrepreneurship is becoming more attainable and almost a better choice than getting a job. Its in interesting viewpoint; you build a resume so that you can beg for a job. Rather, you can truly create something for yourself, and in this new economy, we will see the true return of the craftsman economy.

A former Brazilian Super Bowl champion, Taylor has lived in Argentina, Brazil, Vietnam and Thailand.

Taylor’s Favorite Quote:
The Iron Prescription: “Whenever you feel that some person or some situation is ruining your life, it is actually you that us ruing your life. Feeling like a victim is a perfectly disastrous way to go through life.”  – Charlie Munger

Link’s From Today’s Show:
Finite and Infinite Games
The End of Jobs: Money, Meaning and Freedom Without the 9-to-5
Taylor | Book
Taylor’s Website
Man’s Search for Meaning

iBoom Media

Listener Reviews:
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