About This Episode:
Luis Congdon has seen quite a bit in the last two years. He had a job that was not quite rite for him but, he wasn’t happy. Things got better for him before they got worse. Luis ended up being homeless, living in his car and eventually ended up living on his friend’s couch.

It was at his lowest point, that Luis had the moment in his life, but came out better from it. Luis discovered podcasting and really found his passion. He made the trek for interviews to a local college where he could use the internet to have interviews.

Luis’ podcast grew quickly, and he discovered that he really found his passion. From there, he decided to for the Podcaster’s secret weapon and Thriving Launch community, to share his passion with this world.

Luis’ Favorite Quote:
“The words that we speak become that the house that we live in.” – Hafiz

Links From Today’s Show:
Thriving Launch
Podcaster’s Secret Weapon
Conscious Loving Ever After: How to Create Thriving Relationships at Midlife and Beyond

iBoom Media

Listener Reviews:
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