About This Episode:
Chris is an avid entrepreneur, and founder of the company, Atlantic Waste and Power Systems. Chris was born in London, but spent a good portion of his youth in Nigeria.

After being let go from JP Morgan, Chris decided that he would never again work for someone else. He observed that Nigeria had a total lack of energy, people only surviving off of generators, 2.5 people to a generator; not an ideal scene. Chris observed that Nigeria had much garbage that it could use for energy, but after some work it proved to be too expensive.

After which, his focus became solar, the new and clean way, to power Nigeria. Chris has managed to work his way through corruption, and supplier issues, as well as learning installs himself via YouTube, to have his company still standing and growing.

Links from Today’s Show:
Atlantic Waste and Power System
Africa Jumpstart
Sparta’s Christopher Onwuasoanya Using Solar Energy to Make a Difference

iBoom Media

Listener Reviews:
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