About This Episode:
Tim Meuchel is the creator, author, and podcast host of The 10 Factor.

Using his ten-month Success Blueprint, Tim helps consultants and entrepreneurs create a thriving business built around their ideal lifestyle.

Like many successful entrepreneurs, Tim failed his way to success. He lost $334,200 in 2008 after resigning from a twelve-year corporate management career to pursue his side business full-time. The business quickly grew 8X and within four months Tim’s wife quit her job as well. Ten years later she remains a Stay-at-Home Mom.

Several years after its exponential growth a bad business deal left Tim’s company almost bankrupt. Tapping into emergency funds, he fought back and restructured the business; resulting in a new profit producing model requiring less than 40% effort. Seeing an opportunity to give back and help other struggling entrepreneurs Tim reverse engineered his process, validated it with top entrepreneurs, and created a ten-month roadmap – The 10 Factor.

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