About This Episode:
Today’s guest is one of Forbes’ & Influencive.com’s Top 30 Entrepreneurs Under 30, Jeremy C. Adams is not timid to climb the ladder of ultimate success. Prior to turning 30, he’s launched multiple successful businesses and helped leading entrepreneurs and businesses with his sales and digital marketing background.

He launched his first startup, Prestige Food Trucks at the young age of 22 years old. Jeremy was able to quickly turn Prestige Food Trucks into the world’s leading custom food truck & trailer manufacturer. He garnered so much credibility in-fact, that he landed multi-truck deals with respected clients like the U.S. Army, The Salvation Army, Dunkin’ Donuts, Taco Bell and many more. Jeremy’s company has custom manufactured some of the best food trucks. Their prestigious work has been seen on many popular shows and TV channels like the Food Network, How It’s Made, West Texas Investors Club and many others.

Links From Today’s Show:
Unicorn IQ

Unicorn Innovations
Prestige Food Trucks
Jeremy’s Website

Man In The Arena Art

Listener Reviews:
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