About This Episode:
Sharon Wyeth is an internationally acclaimed Neimologist and award-winning author who specializes in guiding people towards more purposeful lives and meaningful social interactions in their business and interpersonal relationships.

Wyeth is a frequent featured guest in both the national and international media. She is presently working on her third book, which is part of a trilogy. This includes her best-selling book, which has won an award for excellence in writing, “Know the Name; Know the Person”.  Wyeth is the founder and creator of Neimology Science, the ability to know an individual’s personality traits by utilizing the letters in their name. Wyeth developed the science of Neimology over an 18 year period and continues to refine it yearly.

Her work has been tested and shared in over seventy-two countries across six continents, where she has conducted research, and given seminars, including China, Germany, Japan, India, Russia and Australia. Wyeth is a highly sought-after consultant who applies her knowledge of multiple modalities in her work with governments, organizations, and businesses.

Links From Today’s Show:
Know The Name

Evolve Your Business

Listener Reviews:
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