About This Episode:
President of X Factor Media, Thomas F. La Vecchia, MBA has sold over $100 million and began X Factor Media to give business owners access to the best sales/digital marketing talent. In 2012 he developed a 4-Step sales process called “The X Factor Selling System”, which became an Amazon best-selling title. Shortly after La Vecchia’s successful selling system rose in popularity, X Factor Digital Marketing began; offering the best online marketing and sales training talent to its clients. X Factor Digital Marketing specializes in attracting, converting and retaining customers.

He recently took his Digital Marketing and Sales Skills to launch New Theory which focusing on “mature millennial” topics as he’s recently launched a podcast. He had some great guests on such as Perez Hilton, Dr. Miami, Nathan Latka and even a mob boss who was making $5 million a week who later turned a Christian Speaker (Michael Franzese) and of course Jeremy Slate.

Thomas’s Tombstone Quote:
“Provide value / influence to everyone you touch every day.”

Links From Today’s Show:
New Theory

The X Factor Selling System: The Sales Expert’s Guide to Selling by Thomas F. La Vecchia (2013-02-13)

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