About This Episode:
Justin Lafazan may be young, but he has already been able make his mark on the entrepreneurial community. He started by creating Students4Students College Advisory, a higher education consulting firm and full-service digital marketing company.

He now focuses his time the Next Gen Summit. Next Gen is a global community and conference for the brightest young entrepreneurs worldwide to connect and collaborate, and get access to the resources necessary for personal and professional growth.

In December of 2015, he launched my best-selling book – What Wakes You Up? and has been featured in publications such as ForbesUSA TodayInc. Magazine.

Justin’s Tombstone Quote:
“What wakes you up?”

Links From Today’s Show:
Justin’s Website

Next Gen
Next Gen Summit
What Wakes You Up?: Designing Kick-Ass Lives Through Entrepreneurship.
Giftology: The Art and Science of Using Gifts to Cut Through the Noise, Increase Referrals, and Strengthen Retention

Evolve Your Business

Listener Reviews:
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