About This Episode:
Jaret Grossman’s world class advice is drawn from his early childhood woes and muscular transformation. As an 8th grader, Jaret was only 90 pounds, won only one wrestling match, and was constantly picked on and bullied. He quickly progressed to become one of New York’s best wrestlers and eventually became a 3x All-American at Bryant University.

While finishing up his JD degree, Jaret started up a health and fitness brand with his childhood friend. After building the Muscle Prodigy presence to over 300,000 unique visitors per month, over 1 million social media followers, and after topping the charts with several iTunes albums, Jaret was looked up to by many as a beacon of light. People from all walks of life including C-level executives, pro athletes, students, and sales managers have come to Jaret looking for a transformation in their life including career empowerment, financial stability, relationship success, emotional mastery, physical health, spiritual connection, mental training, and contribution.

Jaret’s Tombstone Quote:
“He that receives should never forget and he that gives should never remember” 

Links From Today’s Show:

Jaret’s Website
Think and Grow Rich: The Original, an Official Publication of The Napoleon Hill Foundation
How to Win Friends & Influence People
Cracking The Code

Slate Media Productions
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