About This Episode:
Josh Delaney is a serial entrepreneur to the furthest extent of the word. One of the hardest issues I had with Josh, is that there is no real category to put him in; he is a full-time hustler. Josh broke into the business world at 18 years old starting his career as a professional network marketer & sales professional. Shortly after with his newly founded time freedom and success he went on to experiment with his health and fitness in his spare time and went from geek to fitness freak in less than 60 days.

In 2013, he co-founded the revolutionary non-profit, DoingMyPart.com, making it no longer an issue of money that people could not participate in charity; it created true people power. As if that was not enough, Josh later went on and purchased multiple Anytime Fitness franchises in a very short time, and with his sales & marketing skills he quickly transformed their culture.

He currently is working on making sales something more easily workable for the every day person.

Josh’s Favorite Quote:
“Always happy, never satisfied.” – Bruce Lee

Links from Today’s Show:
Close Prospects
Doing My Part
The 4 Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat Loss, Incredible Sex and Becoming Superhuman
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You (10th Anniversary Edition)
The Thank You Economy


Listener Reviews:
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