About This Episode:
Ray Higdon had it all in real estate, always the entrepreneur, always pushing hard. But when the economy shifted, his business saw a massive shift. Ray had been in several network marketing companies over the years, but never really stuck. With his back against the wall, he made it work, he won. Ray then went on to not only be the biggest earner in his company, but to pioneer a new way. Ray went on to create online network marketing.

Though it wasn’t his intention, Ray was so good at what he did, that he went on to create a whole new business. Since then, he has been one of the most successful online marketers and coaches. He has taught hundreds of people how to create the lives they dream of through his online platform; transcending network marketing.

Ray’s Favorite Quote:
“Pain pushes you until a vision pulls you.” – Michael Bequeath

Links from Today’s Show:
Ray’s Website
Ray’s Blog
Think and Grow Rich Series – Napoleon Hill
Ready, Fire, Aim – Michael Masterson


Listener Reviews:
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