About This Episode:
Meryl Johnston is a Chartered Accountant, which is the Australian version of a certified public accountant. She started her career in the audit division at BDO (Melbourne), followed by a number of years in commercial roles and a stint as a lecturer in accounting and audit. She started her own consulting business, but found scaling it to be extremely difficult, and thus looked for a better option — that’s when she discovered accounting software.

Meryl is a keen surfer and can often be found at her home break at Palm Beach on the Gold Coast. It’s actually the main reason that she left her Melbourne home, and that building her company, Bean Ninjas, actually allowed her to do what she loved.

In This Episode:

    • Creating a business to pursue your passion.
    • Taking the reins and starting your business.
    • When your business idea doesn’t scale…
    • The importance of having a co-founder.
    • Why recurring revenue is the best model
    • The difference between an accountant and a bookkeeper
    • The financial mistake that most new entrepreneurs make.
    • How much do you charge for your product?

Meryl’s Favorite Quote:
“Decide your no’s in advance.” — Tim Ferriss —

Links From Today’s Show:
Bean Ninjas
The 7 Day Startup: You Don’t Learn Until You Launch

iBoom Media

Listener Reviews:
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