About This Episode:
Alex Morton has lived a ton of life, and he’s only 26. He’s been featured in Rolling Stone Magazine, ET, Grant Cardone and many other places. While still in college, Alex started in Real Estate, but quickly found his way into network marketing. Alex rose the ranks quickly, and before the the age of 25, he made his first million dollars.

Alex has began to place his attention on growing his personal brand and online presence and has began a tour in which he will train business people all over the United States to apply the same principles that helped him to create massive success.

In This Episode:

    • Using YouTube as a mentor.
    • Setting big, scary goals.
    • The Value in being a good speaker.
    • How setbacks are an opportunity for a comeback.
    • The value in press; good or bad.
    • Being patient when it comes to creating wealth.

Alex’s Favorite Quote:
“I don’t think in reverse.”

Links From Today’s Show:
Alex’s Website
Self-Made in America: Plain Talk for Plain People about the Meaning of Success

iBoom Media

Listener Reviews:
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