About This Episode:
Kiri Masters is the founder of Bobsled Marketing, and a self-identified Amazon Junkie!

She started her first bootstrapped product business, “I Like That Lamp”, in 2013. Launching the products on Amazon had such a transformative effect on the business that she left her job as a commercial banker in New York in early 2015.

Kiri founded Bobsled Marketing after recognizing that many product businesses would benefit greatly from being Amazon, but have neither the time or experience to properly launch their products there. She developed a comprehensive process to launch and optimize product listings on Amazon to drive maximum revenue through the channel. This same process has now been replicated by the Bobsled Marketing team for over 150 products across most product categories on Amazon. Originally from Australia, Kiri lives in Brooklyn, NY with her husband.

In This Episode:

    • The benefits of Amazon over Ebay
    • Why business should move to sell on Amazon
    • What is Amazon FBA and how can it benefit established companies?
    • What companies need to understand about the Amazon platform.
    • Optimizing your product and listing for higher views.
    • Breaking down Amazon’s search algorithm.
    •  Why giveaway’s aren’t worth it.
    • What every new brand needs to know.

Kiri’s Favorite Quote:
“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill –

Links From Today’s Show:
Jeremy’s Website | Strategy
Bobsled Marketing
The Four Hour Work Week

iBoom Media

Listener Reviews:
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