About This Episode:
Ryan Stewman, first and foremost is a salesman. Ryan has not had a salaried job his entire life. By mastering the art of being a super effective communicator, Ryan has closed more transactions than he has time to add up. Besides, no one likes looking at super inflated numbers that are just a guess. With his “no BS” approach to making things happen, Ryan has been able to help high income, and high net worth performers make adjustments in their businesses that have led to windfalls of profits for them. Ryan’s background is in the mortgage industry.

He was a loan officer in Dallas, Texas for almost 10 years. During his time as a LO Ryan closed thousands of loans for people across the country. Ryan has been the top producing salesman at every sales job he’s had. Doesn’t matter if you are selling cars, homes, financial services, or consulting, Ryan can help you generate more leads with higher quality, increase your closing ratios and show you how to charge premium fees for the items you sell.

Ryan was born and raised in Dallas, TX and is probably the proudest Texan you will ever meet. He’s also a father to the future greatest salesman in the world aka Mr. Jax. Lastly, Ryan would like me to tell you to hire him. You can check his LONG track record of helping top producers hit a level in business they never before imagined. You won’t find any negative reviews from any of his paying clients, past and present, anywhere. He ALWAYS delivers what he says, and his track record proves it.

In This Episode:

    • Inspiration starts with Zig Ziglar.
    • Getting started in sales young.
    • Rebuilding your career after a prison sentence.
    • How did the Dodd-Frank Act affect securities?
    • Why blue-haired ladies are Hardcore Closers
    • How permission-based selling can work for you.
    • Why 99% of salespeople fail at followup.
    • What to hire first when you scale your business.

Ryan’s Favorite Quote:
“Elevate them to the top”

Links From Today’s Show:
Ryan’s Social Medias
Harcore Closer
The Ultimate Sales Machine
The Law of Success: The Master Wealth-Builder’s Complete and Original Lesson Plan forAchieving Your Dreams

iBoom Media

Listener Reviews:
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